Thursday, 28 June 2007

Tooltips & QuickHelp

Whenever I get stuck trying to figure out how to do a task within unfamiliar software, I go straight to the user manual just like the rest of us do, right? Wrong. I struggle on trying to figure it out myself or ask a friend. The speed at which I find a solution is not only determined by whether I’d been out until 3.00am knocking back memory erasing beverages, but by the quality of the software.

To help get us through these frustrating moments, Peepel conveniently provides it’s users with unlimited coffee and aspirin…. Oh, it doesn’t? bugger. They do however provide ‘hover over’ tooltips which show you not only what the item’s function is, but other handy information such as keyboard shortcuts. There is also the inbuilt QuickHelp system which has concise descriptions of the applications and tools in an easily navigable menu system. These alone are enough to provide remedies for most ailments. If you need more help than this you can still always ask a friend; Peepel are your friends :-)

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Simple Collaboration that even your Mum can use.

Peepel uses a unique approach to collaboration in the way that we use a ‘control token’ that shows you who is currently editing a document. The ‘control token’ appears as a coloured icon in the title bar of each document window. Edit control can be released or taken by anyone with write privileges. Read more.

Login, share a document and give it a go. It’s surprisingly easy to use and fun.

Friday, 22 June 2007

New Features!

The latest new features released this week are the ability to import MS Office & Open Office files, the event notifier bar and authenticated RSS support. This is great news for our users. I believe that the ability to import files is a must for any good online office suite. Click here for more info on importing files.

We have also added colour coded folders in the FileManager. This makes it easy to differentiate the special folders from your normal folders.

The green folder is for files that you have imported.

Blue is for other people's files shared with you.

Red is a special folder that contains all files.

Yellow folders are your folders.

You can move files from these folders into another folder of your choice however files moved from the All Files and Others' Files folders will be copied there instead of moved.

Welcome to the Peepel Blog

It's been a busy few months here at the Peepel offices, hence the lack of blog entries!

I’ll be posting some tips for using Peepel, some things to ponder and pretty much anything I find that may interest fellow Peepel users at a semi-regular rate from now on. I intend to keep my posts fairly light hearted and void of technical jargon. Some of this information may also end up in our forums once launched, which hopefully won’t be too far down the track.